October 8 - October 14

All Combined Calendar
Sunday, October 8
Time: 10:00 AM - 12:00 PM
Summary: Sunday School
Description: -------------------------------
Pre-Service Prayer Leader: Rev. N. Mack
Time: 6:00 PM - 8:00 PM
Summary: Evening Service
Description: -------------------------------
Pre-Service Prayer Leader: Rev. D. Zombik
Time: 8:00 PM - 9:00 PM
Summary: Pastor's Birthday Party
Monday, October 9
Time: All day event
Summary: Columbus Day
Tuesday, October 10
Time: 7:00 PM - 9:00 PM
Summary: Ladies Ministries Meeting
Description: All ladies are welcome!
Wednesday, October 11
Time: 7:00 PM - 9:00 PM
Summary: Midweek Service
Description: Pre-service Prayer Leader: Bro. J. Readout

Adult Speaker: Rev. J. Sims

YASNY Youth Class

Children's Church
Friday, October 13
Time: All day event
Summary: Men's Retreat
Description: Inviting all men 18 years and older.
Casual attire is recommended.

Speaker Bro. Raymond Woodward from New Brunswick, Canada


190 E
Slight Right onto 32 S
Left onto 74 E
Slight Left onto 44 E

Preregistration cost $135 includes:
---$35 nonrefundable deposit to CT Men's Ministries PO box 635 Windsor Locks, CT 06096 postmarked by October 1, 2006

Postregistration $155 at the door.

Bill Lusardi 860-253-9739
Rev. Gale Scott 860-292-8633
Time: 7:00 PM - 9:00 PM
Summary: Christmas Play Rehearsal
Description: ?s ... see Donna Johnson
Saturday, October 14
Time: All day event
Summary: Men's Retreat
Description: Inviting all men 18 years and older.
Casual attire is recommended.

Speaker Bro. Raymond Woodward from New Brunswick, Canada


190 E
Slight Right onto 32 S
Left onto 74 E
Slight Left onto 44 E

Preregistration cost $135 includes:
---$35 nonrefundable deposit to CT Men's Ministries PO box 635 Windsor Locks, CT 06096 postmarked by October 1, 2006

Postregistration $155 at the door.

Bill Lusardi 860-253-9739
Rev. Gale Scott 860-292-8633

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