March 18 - March 24

All Combined Calendar
Sunday, March 18
Time: 10:00 AM - 12:00 PM
Summary: Guest Speaker & Sunday School
Description: Guest Speaker: Rev. Tony Bailey

Pre-service prayer at 9:45 am (D.Z.)
Time: 6:00 PM - 8:00 PM
Summary: Evening Service
Description: Pre-service prayer at 5:45pm
Time: 6:00 PM - 8:00 PM
Summary: Guest Speaker
Description: Guest Speaker: Rev. Tony Bailey

Pre-service prayer at 5:45pm (D.Z.)
Monday, March 19
Time: All day event
Summary: Northeast Sr. BQE
Description: Christian Life Center (Pastor Libby)
11800 Darnestown Rd
Gaithersburg, MD

Speaker: Tom Ellis (Ohio Youth President)

Material Coverage: Genesis 7:1 thru I Kings 18:46 (370 verses)

Directions from I-95 North:
I-95 S to I-495W to I-270N
Exit 6B (Rt. 28W)
Rt. 28 becomes Darnestown Rd. Continue past Muddy Branch Rd, church is 2 miles on the left
Tuesday, March 20
Time: All day event
Summary: Northeast Sr. BQE
Description: Christian Life Center (Pastor Libby)
11800 Darnestown Rd
Gaithersburg, MD

Speaker: Tom Ellis (Ohio Youth President)

Material Coverage: Genesis 7:1 thru I Kings 18:46 (370 verses)

Directions from I-95 North:
I-95 S to I-495W to I-270N
Exit 6B (Rt. 28W)
Rt. 28 becomes Darnestown Rd. Continue past Muddy Branch Rd, church is 2 miles on the left
Wednesday, March 21
Time: All day event
Summary: Northeast Sr. BQE
Description: Christian Life Center (Pastor Libby)
11800 Darnestown Rd
Gaithersburg, MD

Speaker: Tom Ellis (Ohio Youth President)

Material Coverage: Genesis 7:1 thru I Kings 18:46 (370 verses)

Directions from I-95 North:
I-95 S to I-495W to I-270N
Exit 6B (Rt. 28W)
Rt. 28 becomes Darnestown Rd. Continue past Muddy Branch Rd, church is 2 miles on the left
Time: 2:00 PM - 5:00 PM
Summary: Waking Hours for Tanya Ivanoff
Description: Waking Hours 2 pm - 5 pm

Browne Memorial Funeral Chapel
43 Shaker Rd.
Enfield, CT 06082
Time: 7:00 PM - 9:00 PM
Summary: Memorial Service for Tanya Ivanoff
Friday, March 23
Time: 7:00 PM - 9:00 PM
Summary: Sr. Youth Q&A
Description: Ask the Pastor your burning questions

?s to Steve Readout 860-265-2616
(ages 12 - 35)
Saturday, March 24
Time: 1:30 PM - 5:00 PM
Summary: Jr. BQ Meet & Fellowship
Description: ?s Bro. & Sis. Zombik 413-786-6027

This has been rescheduled from the Milford church to the Enfield church

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