Friday, July 31

All Combined Calendar
Friday, July 31
Time: All day event
Summary: Apostolic Leadership Institute
Description: All Info including schedules & applications:

Pricing includes tuition, housing 5 nights, 3 meals/day for 5 days:
1st Yr Students - $TBD
Alumni - $TBD

Applications postmarked by TBD

?s to Rev. Thomas Dibble
203-596-1078 (home)
203-232-1996 (cell)
Time: 6:30 PM - 8:00 PM
Summary: Children's Fun Event
Description: Ages 1-12

Wet and Wild
If weather permits the activities will be held outdoors and your children will get very wet! Please have children dress appropriately according to our church standards and bring a towel. If you wish your child to be dry on the drive home, please also bring a change of clothing.
Signup on the front board.

Lisa Dupuis, Director
Debbie Perdion, Event Coordinator
Darlene LaGrange, Assistant

?s to Lisa Dupuis,

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